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Purify myself

Purify myself

As a human being I ask myself how to maintain serenity of mind? When I observe my life then I realize that serenity depends on how I interact with life. It is my readiness to see things as they are and to express my inner life as it is. Does not mean that I do what I want, I search more for the will of life. Seeing through my ego games and recognizing the trap of selfishness. And then, when there is a small window of clarity I enter in the will of life. There is no friction between my flow and the flow of life. It is one movement. Everything inside and outside me becomes quiet in between the noise. Lifeenergy is not wasted and flows according to a higher purpose. Meaningfulness rises in that state.

To paint my left hand, listen to Brian Eno, asking myself when my persistent lack of energy goes away and waiting in the dawn while writing this text becomes everything. Being ordinary becomes special. The moment is filled with sense because I am here. I am. To be aware of what is.“How do I react if”…my mind asks. But is it worth it to construct these thoughts? I don´t know how I will react if. If I knew it, I would kill the present moment. I disconnect from myself and construct an uncertain future. Future as a potential of infinite possibilities. I would kill the infinity inside me and miss eternity. Right here, right now.

To live as a white sheet and react like a snow leopard running downhill is pure beauty.

Purify myself



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